Aims and Scope
AL-MUHANDIS JOURNAL (JMISE) is a seasonal scientific journal, covers all sorts of scientific researches in many engineering fields like: Civil and Construction, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Communications, Computer, Chemical, Petroleum, Environmental, Materials, Water Resources as well as other engineering interests. The journal offers a solid platform for Iraqi engineers to publish works which translate their knowledge, expertise and skills.
Publication Ethics
The journal accepts the submission of any research work deals with engineering fields, either methodology and/or applications. Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft manuscript in a short paper (no more than 15 pages) using MS Word format. The manuscripts should be processed through many steps in order to get acceptation. These processes are:
- Authorship satisfaction
- Standards validation
- Plagiarism complaints
- Anti- duplicate publication
- Anti- misappropriation
- Malpractice statement
- Readable for international audiences (at least titles and abstracts in English).
- Peer reviewing
- Editorial acceptance
The target is that the process for each submitted manuscript should complete within (10) weeks from its submission. All papers should include: (1) Name of the journal, (2) Title of the manuscript, (3) Name and affiliation for the author(s); (4) Abstract; (5) Keywords; (6) Text of the manuscript; (7) References.